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WebKey Account

What is a WebKey Account and why is it important?

A WebKey Account is a must-have for all Siemens Digital Industries Software customers with an active maintenance account. It is a personal, single point of authentication that allows users to control the username and password associated with a company, and to access product information and associated support tools. 

Through the WebKey authentication scheme, Siemens Digital Industries Software can control access to services, information and also guarantee the privacy of all customer data.

Having a WebKey account provides users with access to the web tools and services including: 

  • License file retrieval 
  • Product passwords
  • Emergency licensing requests
  • Downloads of software and patches from the FTP server
  • Solution Center: a searchable Symptom & Solution database
  • Documentation: product documentation, white papers, FAQs and newsletters

Steps to create a WebKey Account

1. Follow this link to the WebKey Self Service page: https://www2.industrysoftware.automation.siemens.com/webkey/ and select ‘Create Account’. 

2.  Enter your contact information on the following form to create an account. 

3. The information for your SoldTo ID and WebKey Access Code can be found on your license file. If you do not have access to your Solid Edge license file, please contact support@ultimatepartner.co.za.

4. Fill out the required information. Choose a strong password that tick all of the boxes. The username and password should be kept safe as the system will request this information when you want to access any of the WebKey-controlled documents or applications.

5. Congratulations! Your WebKey Account has been created. Please wait for the email notification to with a link to activate your WebKey.

Who do I contact for help with my WebKey Account?

For problems with the creation or use of a  WebKey account, reach out to the Ultimate Partner Support team at +27 (0)86 199 5064 or support@ultimatepartner.co.za