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Solid Edge Advanced Assemblies Training

The Solid Edge Advanced Assembly training course is designed to empower users with concepts and design tools that will boost their understanding and productivity within the assembly environment.

Participants will engage with the fundamentals of assembly design and management through instructor-led presentations and discussions. The techniques discussed in the training will be implemented through a series of practical activities.

Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to construct functional and realistic assemblies. 

Course type: 
Training cost:
Skills level: 

Practical, instructor-led training
Three days
Available on request
Novice to intermediate users of Solid Edge

Course Topics

This training contains in-depth coverage of the assembly environment within Solid Edge, including: 

  • Exploration of the user interface and tools
  • Designing parts in context of an assembly
  • Creating advanced assembly features and patterns of components and using assembly relationships
  • Creation and utilisation of system libraries
  • Designing and working with large assemblies
  • Using inspection tools and replacing parts of an assembly
  • Creating adjustable parts and alternate configurations of assemblies
  • Creating animations of an assembly using the Exploded Render Animation environment
  • Improving overall assembly management skills

Who should attend?

Designers and engineers looking to learn how to optimally use the assembly environment within Solid Edge. 

Available dates

6 to 8 July 2022

Cape Town
20 to 22 April 2022

26 to 28 October 2022

Register your interest!

For more information regarding this training, please get in touch via email training@ultimatepartner.co.za or give us a call at 087 092 0932.

Visit the Ultimate Partner Training Calendar to find out more about other training courses.

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