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Product lifecycle solutions

Portfolio of product design & development software

Ultimate Partner is a proud mainstream software solutions partner for the sales, maintenance, support and training of Siemens of Digital Industries Software in South Africa. With a broad portfolio of CAD design and drawing, CFD and FEA simulation, and data management tools, we enable you to quickly transform your product concept into reality.

Product development portfolio

Solid Edge is a portfolio of affordable, easy-to-use software tools that address all aspects of the product development process: design, simulation, manufacturing, technical publications, data management & more.

Computational fluid dynamics

Simcenter FLOEFD for Solid Edge supports flow simulation with an embedded CFD simulation tool for easy, fast and accurate fluid flow and heat transfer analysis.

Data management

Teamcenter Rapid Start provides multi-CAD data management capabilities that enable you to effectively and efficiently manage, control and share mechanical CAD data across your entire design and supply chain.


Simcenter Femap is an advanced engineering simulation application for creating, editing and importing/re-using mesh-centric finite element analysis models of complex products or systems.

Get 50% off simulation products for Solid Edge!


Our training covers all levels within every industry to empower our clients with the knowledge they need to navigate the solutions effectively.


Get in touch with our team of experts for any questions or assistance with our software.


Easy access to Solid Edge resources, certifications, on-demand training, white-papers and a community of like-minded engineers.

Download a free trial and explore the software for yourself!

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